The Coalition was founded in 2015 as part of a Centers for Disease Control (CDC) grant awarded to the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (MDPH). Today, the Coalition is maintained by founding partners Team Maureen and Dana Farber Cancer Institute.
The past 5 years have shown that we have a greater impact when we work together. Our objectives are to:
Engage and coordinate with groups and individuals working in HPV prevention
Educate medical & dental providers using evidence based strategies
Educate the community about the HPV cancer connection
Advocate and fundraise for HPV-related cancer prevention work
Support people and organizations doing HPV-related cancer prevention work across MA
Be a resource and model for collaboration across specialties to effect change
The Coalition has three subcommittees: the Oral HPV Task Force, Health Equity Work Group, and Cervical Cancer Work Group. Each subcommittee meets on a quarterly basis to collaborate on community outreach and research.
If you have questions or are interested in joining the Coalition or a subcommittee, email us at hpvcoalition@gmail.com.